How To Run For Office

How To Run For Office

Episode 27: Laura Fillault – What I Learned from Running and Winning Local Office

May 10, 2017

Important Time Stamps and Notes:
00:00:00 Shoutout to My Campaign Coach and Fort Worth City Councilman-Elect, Dr. Brian Byrd
00:00:54 Podcast Intro
00:01:20 Laura Fillault Bio and Introduction
00:02:46 What got you started in politics and how did you move towards running for office? How Laura got plugged in with conservatives across the movement, Managing Steve Toth’s State Senate Race.
00:17:44 Digging Into Local Politics and Killing Bonds
00:20:34 Getting approached about running for office and considering the decision...
00:28:18 Pulling the trigger and Running for Office, plus, Lessons Learned During the Campaign!
00:56:48 Working the Election Polls and Earning Votes at the Finish Line
01:06:56 Coping with Winning and Losing
01:16:04 Always tell voters the truth + Making Tough Votes
01:24:30 Wrapping up and where listeners can find Laura online!