How To Run For Office

How To Run For Office

Episode 22: Mick Paskiewicz – Simple Rules for Winning Elections

April 06, 2017

00:00 Programming Note
00:37 Bumper Intro
01:01 Mick Paskiewicz Bio
01:46 Let’s start out with a bit of background information about your history and political involvement…
06:48 What does your relationship look like with your clients?
07:59 Red Team/Blue Team Analysis and use of the Vulnerability Study
10:34 What sets Intellz apart from other Research and Opposition Vendors on the market?
14:35 What are things that campaigns can do for themselves to get themselves ahead of the research/oppo curve?
21:36 Two ways to undercut your opposition
28:18 Why is a vulnerability study so key to preparing for a campaign, before it begins?
35:22 Key Lessons: Stand on Principle, Be Nice & Don’t Lie...and opposition research can’t hurt you!
37:42 Silver bullets are VERY rare
39:05 What are key warning signs that a campaign is in trouble?
41:26 Vetting your campaign staff: background checks and social media
44:48 What is your biggest client pet peeve?
47:59 What is it that excites you the most about your job at Intellz?
49:31 Where can people find you online?
50:04 Outro