How To Run For Office

How To Run For Office

Episode 13: Rep. Daniel Zolnikov – How to Get Elected at 25

January 26, 2017

00:00 Podcast Intro
00:40 Rep. Zolnikov Bio
01:37 Welcome to the Podcast, Representative!
02:30 What was your life like before politics?
03:54 At what point did you get involved in State politics?
04:50 What was your introduction to campaigning like? (Hint: Lots of Knocking Doors)
06:00 The Power of Knocking Doors
07:10 How did the individual relationships you built, going door to door, help you win your election and represent your district better?
09:42 Focus on the Voter!
13:56 How did your conversations with voters improve your broader marketing efforts?
18:14 The importance of using more than one medium of voter communication
19:58 Never take voters for granted
20:40 Tell us more about your parents fleeing Stalinist Russia
22:38 How did that background of fleeing communism impact your political view?
24:06 The importance of remembering the history of tyranny as we look forward at government
26:17 How did your main political issues develop for you, especially the issue of privacy?
29:11 Pretending to perfect isn’t going to work in politics anymore
31:44 How did the Montana fundraising limits impact your fundraising for your campaigns?
34:30 What kind of budget did you have for your race and how did you spend it?
37:43 Using paid campaign workers as a force multiplier
41:02 What does your campaign operation look like?
42:41 What was it like as a 25 year old to actually be in elected office?
47:14 What kind of advice would you give yourself when you started to run for office?
50:42 Where can people find you online?
51:58 Any closing words of wisdom for the listeners?
53:00 Outro