How To Run For Office

How To Run For Office

Episode 10: Wendy Day – Mom Power & The Cruz Campaign

January 05, 2017

00:00 Introduction and Wendy Day’s Bio

02:30 Tell us about how you got involved in politics and the crazy road that brought you here

05:55 Talk a bit more about your time working with Gold Star families, those who have lost servicemen and women in the military.

07:02 Cruz Presidential Campaign Stories + What to do when you don’t get many resources?

15:15 How did you motivate your volunteers through the tough campaign and harsh winter?

20:30 What do you offer campaigns and organizations through your political consulting business?

21:25 The importance of being Interested vs. Interesting when it comes to voter persuasion

25:45 “If you raise their blood pressure, you’ve lost their vote”

27:40 Using software and data to target voters for post-canvassing follow-up (plus funny block-walking stories)

31:35 How do you get earned media on the campaign trail?

39:50 What are the keys to building your campaign message strategy?

46:35 Raz’s great dane, Thor, yawns really loud…

47:35 How to prepare for political debates

50:43 Finding your speaking voice when writing speeches and debate introductions

52:01 What excites you most about what you’re doing in Politics?

54:14 Politics is 100% Relational, Principle and Strategy like H20 is Water, Steam and Ice.

55:23 Preview of Wendy’s new book about Moms Power in politics!

57:19 Where you can find Wendy online

57:55 Outro and announcements