How To Run For Office

How To Run For Office

Episode 5: Toby Marie Walker – Winning with Grassroots & Leveraging Volunteers

November 23, 2016

00:00 - Opening

00:37 - Toby Marie Walker Introduction & Welcome

03:17 - Where are you focusing your attention since Cruz ended his Presidential campaign?

04:48 - The IRS Targeting of Conservative Orgs and Toby’s role in fighting back

07:25 - How Toby got involved in politics & the wild ride she’s experienced over the last 9 years

09:45 - What keeps you motivated in the face of so much pressure and ugliness?

12:33 - What do you look for when deciding which candidates to support?

14:57 - Toby’s biggest pet peeves with candidates she has supported in the past

16:35 - Why accountability matters & How to stay true to your roots

18:46 - What is the role of a candidate’s Kitchen Cabinet?

22:40 - Who bears the blame for communication failures and how to avoid them

24:37 - How should campaigns use recruit, retain and deploy volunteers?

26:10 - Volunteers are as valuable as donors. How should we treat them?

27:20 - Phone Bank War Stories: How Toby runs a volunteer call center

29:52 - When is it ok to ditch the phone-bank script?

31:52 - How to use prizes and incentives to motivate volunteers

33:20 - Tips for being a rock-star phone-banker: Don’t miss!

35:45 - Campaign Manager Tip: How to keep volunteers from lying to you!

38:55 - How to be an effective ambassador as a phone-bank leader

41:15 - Balancing Quality vs Quantity in Voter Contact

42:15 - How to motivate your crew through strong leadership

43:09 - “ABC = Always Be Campaigning

46:30 - How to be the “Political Answers Guy” in your community

48:29 - Keeping your credibility while working in politics

49:39 - What advice would you give yourself if you could start over?

53:01 - Where to connect with Toby online

54:01 - Toby’s thoughts on My Campaign Coach Training