My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

How to Find Your Inspiration: What is Your Why?

March 31, 2017

How to Find Your Inspiration: What is Your Why?
To find your inspiration is the first step in achieving the goals that excite you. Only when you know your why will you find the courage and inspiration to start or to grow your business. Having the proper mindset is the key for the determination you will need to succeed. The German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche once said, “He who knows his why can endure any how.”

When you find your inspiration and know your why you will be able: (1) find the courage to take the risks needed to succeed; (2) stay motivated when you face setbacks; and (3) move your life into an entirely new, more challenging and rewarding direction.

When you first decided to start your business, you may have been thinking:

·       “I am tired of working in this terrible job.”

·       “I need to spend more time with my family.”

·       “This job just does not pay enough.”

These thoughts and others go through the mind of many people thinking about starting a business. But you will find, that these reasons will not be enough to sustain your motivation once you start your business.

These primarily negative thoughts will not inspire you:

 ·       To increase your skills;

·       To be brave and authentic in your marketing;

·       To find the courage to launch a new product or service;

·       To make your business thrive.

What is your why? What inspires and motivates you?
Is it Your Passion?
Many business owners are motivated by passion for a topic, a market, or a product. They would spend their entire day talking and learning about it. Whichever type of passion-based business owner you are, learning to harness that passion will help you elevate your business.
Is it Your Lifestyle?
Other business owners are inspired by the desire for the lifestyle that comes from owning their own business. Are you motivated by the freedom of having a lifestyle that allows you to travel or to drive beautiful cars? Whatever your big dream, you knew that you would never make it with your day job. There is nothing wrong with desiring a lifestyle that you find thrilling and fulfilling. Be sure to maintain your integrity and authenticity in pursuit of your dream lifestyle.
Is it Philanthropic?
Many business owners are inspired to go into business so that they can give more to charitable concerns. Are you motivated by a desire to give more to charities at home or abroad? Perhaps you want to have the freedom to volunteer with local hospitals, animal shelter, or churches.  If you have a heart for a cause, a philanthropic why can be the motivating cause that elevates your business.

In this episode of My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Training Series we explored how to find your inspiration by focusing on your why. To find your own why, consider your biggest dreams. What brings joy and a sense of fulfillment into your life!


At My Biz Dream Team, we can show you how to develop an internet lifestyle business that can help you fulfill your biggest dreams and aspirations. Check out The Strategic Pathway to Success Program™. Let us show you how to reach your goal of creating a lifestyle and a business that you love!


I am Pamela Montgomery, attorney,