My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

Write Your Book in 2017

January 13, 2017

Writing a Book: 5 Reasons Every Coach, Speaker, and Consultant Needs to Write a Book
Writing a book is a dream for many people. It has never been easier to write and publish your own book. Many of you have told us that you are interested in writing a book, but you did not know exactly what to do. Some of you have started to take notes. Then you may have set them aside and now you cannot find them. Or may have become so confused by the process that you did not get started.

To help you write your book this year, our latest podcast episode is all about this topic. In this episode of My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series we share with you three easy steps that you can take to start your book writing brainstorming process. Dexter and I have written and published two books. We understand how valuable having a book is for your business.

If you have not thought about writing a book, here are 5 reasons why every coach, speaker, and entrepreneur needs to write a book.

Are you struggling to bring in new clients or find speaking opportunities? Not sure what to do next in your marketing plan? There is one simple answer you probably may not have not considered:

Write a book.

It is true. This one thing—especially if it is an actual printed book rather than a Kindle or eBook—has the power to grow your business beyond your expectations. You will experience a whole new world of opportunities simply by having your name on the cover of a book.
Imagine you are at a conference or local networking group and you meet two coaches who both specialize in business branding—something you know you need help with.

One coach says all the right things. She has been in business for years and worked with some top-notch business owners. She has great ideas for how she can help you solidify your branding.

The other has a similar history and story, with one additional bonus: she has just handed you a copy of her latest book. It is a professionally printed, substantial publication that practically exudes confidence.

Which coach do you think shows more authority in her field? The one with the book, of course. There really is nothing better when it comes to establishing your authority in any niche than having a book with your name on it.
So why does a book speak so highly of you and establish your authority so well? Because it gives you a platform to show off your expertise. It is like being invited to present on any topic you choose on the world’s largest stage.

Not only that, but your readers are a captive audience. They are listening—in that moment—only to you. That is a powerful position to be in, and one that gives you an opportunity to really show off your stuff.
Market Reach
No matter how many readers Google sends your way, no matter how much traffic your YouTube channel receives, nothing will ever compare to the number of potential readers Amazon and other online booksellers can bring your way.

Positioned correctly, your book can reach millions of new readers, and thousands of potential clients. Combine that with the expertise and authority we know comes with being a published author, and that is a recipe for success that cannot be beat.
Better Than a Business Card
If you have ever been to a conference, you’ve no doubt collected a stack of business cards. You get home and toss them in a drawer, and six months later you throw them out, without ever having contacted the people who gave them to you.

But if one of those people handed you a book instead,
