My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

Affiliate Niche Sites: Another Way to Profit from Affiliate Marketing

December 03, 2016

Creating Affiliate Niche Sites: Another Way to Profit from Affiliate Marketing
Creating affiliate niche sites is the focus of this episode of My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series. This program continues the discussion of why and how affiliate marketing is a great way to build your online business. There are many ways to earn money online. One of the most lucrative ways is to become an affiliate marketer. As an affiliate marketer you promote other people's products, in exchange for a percentage of the sales price. You can promote these products and services through your:

* website
* blog
* social media accounts
* email.

What are Affiliate Niche Site?
An affiliate niche site is one of limited and narrow focus. It contains information that is useful and interesting to its readers. If your site visitors do not find the information interesting or helpful they will just move on.  You promote products and services that are interest to people with this narrow focus. Think very carefully about the niche you work in. Start with a search on Google Keywords to see the number of searches for your particular idea.  You want to make sure that your niche sites are narrow enough. For example, travel is a broad category. However, winter ski travel to the southern Alps, would be a niche.
Get Started Creating Affiliate Niche Sites
Affiliate niche sites are not generally related to your main website. You want your main site to be an authority site. However, you can create affiliate niche sites on unrelated topics. For example during the holiday season, you may want to create shopping guides for various types of gifts. The start up process for creating niche sites is straight forward:

* Buy a domain name.
* Use a hosting service. We use and recommend Bluehost.
* Set up your new domain as a subdomain on the hosting server.
* Install WordPress.
* Select a theme for your web site.

Once your web site is ready you can always hire a graphic designer create a logo for you. We also recommend that use private label rights (PLR) content to help provide some of the content pages for your niche web sites.

For detailed training on affiliate niche sites, we recommend training by Adrienne Dupree. After taking her training course, we were able to set up several holiday gift guide niche sites over the weekend.

Check out:

* The Cool Toy
* The Unique Holiday Gift

