My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

Promoting Products and Services on the Internet

November 25, 2016

Promoting Products and Services with Affiliate Marketing
This episode of My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series is all about promoting products and services on the internet. This is sometimes called "affiliate marketing" or "partnering." If  you are interested in creating an income without having to produce and build your products and services, then you are in the right place. In less than 20 minutes we share with you a lucrative way to get started in your own online business with affiliate marketing. If you have never thought about promoting someone else's products and services, now is the time to consider this business model.
Summary of Episode
1. What does it mean to "promote" someone else's products and service?  We discuss the critical distinction between "promotion" and "selling."  You can also find out more about affiliate marketing in this recent post.

2. Why would you want to promote other people's products and services? We discuss that initially it may be  difficult to create your own products. However, you can find products and services already available that would interest your target market. You can find digital products to promote on sites such as: (a),, and  You can also become an affiliate for the largest retail platform,

3. How to "promote." Once you become an affiliate you can begin promoting using numerous tactics.  For example, you can write a review of the product or service. You could also interview someone who has used the product. They could talk about why they bought the product or service, what problem it solved, and how they are doing now. This type of before  and after promotion is very effective online.
With affiliate marketing, the products that you promote can be digital or physical. We promote both types of products and also several services.  For example, to help you get started online we recommend that you use Bluehost for hosting your website.

If you would like to learn more about affiliate marketing, join The Strategic Pathway to Success Program.

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