My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

Marketing: 3 Steps for Greater Visibility

November 22, 2016

Marketing: Are You Hiding in Plain Sight?
In this episode of My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series we discuss three marketing tips that will increase your visibility.  These three steps will keep you from hiding in plain sight.  We discuss in detail during this podcast why you need to (1) start a blog and blog regularly; (2) start a podcast series; and (3) learn of basics of social media marketing.

We understand that right now you feel distraught. You just can't seem to figure out how to get started.  There is so much information. None of it, however,  is in a form that is easy to understand and execute. This podcast is different.  We take you step-by-step through the three basic strategies to get you started with your online business.

Step 1: You need a blog
It is our experience and others in this business that you need to start with a blog. This blog is your home on the internet.  This is where your audience will find all the valuable information that you have to offer. You are concerned because the blog is public and free. You may wonder about giving away your content. You must remember that no one will buy from you unless you show them you have something of value. Your prospective client wants to first know that you can solve their problem. Your blog is your opportunity to show your audience that you are a problem solver. Your blog is the first step towards greater visibility. A great book on the strategic value of a blog is Book Blog Broadcast: The Trifecta of Entrepreneurial Success, by Connie Ragen Green. 

Step 2: You need a podcast
In addition to your blog, you will need to start a podcast that is on ITunes. Your prospective client will be searching for relevant information to address an issue. Sometimes people prefer to listen to a short podcast episode. They find it preferable to reading a blog post. the combination of a blog post and a podcast increases your visibility two-fold.  We have prepared a Special Report and Training Guide: The Podcasting Power Playbook that will give you invaluable advice on staring your own podcast series.

Step 3: Learn the "ABCs" of Social Media
The third step for increasing your visibility is to market your podcast and blog posts on social media.  Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube are all valuable outlets that allow your prospective clients to find your information.  In a recent blog post, we discussed the ABCs of social media for the new entrepreneur. Remember, that they don't know you. Your prospective clients will find you through your content.  Actively participating on the various social media platforms is your third step towards greater visibility.


We would love to hear from you about the strategies we have outlined here.  Please leave us a comment.
