My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

5 Tips to Increase Your Visibility, Credibility, and Authority

November 04, 2016

Online Marketing: 5 Tips to Increase Your Visibility, Credibility, and Authority
In this episode of My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series we discuss five strategies that you can use to increase your visibility, credibility, and authority as a new online marketer. Online marketing can present you with many struggles as you try to gain traction in your area of expertise. For example, you may have difficulty identifying your ideal client. Once you have identified your ideal client, you need to build a relationship of trust. In this podcast, Dexter and I discuss how you can overcome those struggles.

In this episode we discuss (1) how you can avoid mistakes that keep you struggling; (2) how to be a savvy entrepreneur on social media; and (3) how to increase your visibility, credibility, and authority.
Online Marketing Tip #1: Focus on Your Business
As an online entrepreneur you may find yourself getting distracted by every new idea that comes along.  Yes, you must be flexible.  But you do not need to follow latest fad, if it does not fit your business model.  Remember to stay true to your vision of your online marketing business.
Online Marketing Tip #2: Plan for the Future
As you prepare to launch your online business be sure that you have clearly focused on the needs of your potential clients. Have a plan in place about how and when you will deliver your product or services.
Online Marketing Tip #3: Take Action
At some point, you have to take action to launch that website. After all the upfront planning, you must take action.

* Post high quality content on your website.
* Build your presence on social media.
* Start a podcast.

Learn how to launch a impactful, fun, and dynamic podcast with The Special Report and Training Guide: Podcasting
Online Marketing Tip #4: Learn the "ABCs" of Social Media
To be a savvy online marketer, you must know the "ABCs" of social media. In this part of the podcast, we refer to the tips in our recent post: Social Media "ABCs" for the New Entrepreneur.

So remember:

* A: Don't use too much Automation
* B: Branding must be consistent across social media
* C: Customer focus is the key to your success

Online Marketing Tip #5: Develop a Content Marketing Strategy
Be clear about the topics that you will discuss and where you will hold these conversations. As you develop your content strategy, consider using a content calendar to keep you organized. Here is a post that gives you additional ideas about content strategy: Content Strategy: Your Goals and Plans

Final Thoughts
Online marketing can be daunting to undertake. However, by following a few proven strategies, you too can become a successful online marketer. Following these tips will increase your visibility, credibility, and authority.

Let us know how we can help you in your journey.  You can find out more about our product and services at: "The Strategic Pathway to Success Program"

Dexter and I would love hear from you. Leave us a comment below.