My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

Building a Great Business Team

September 27, 2016

Building a Great Business Team
In this episode of My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series we discuss the importance of building a team to support your success.  Experience and history tells us that you cannot build anything of significance without a team. In today's episode we discuss the lessons of team building from examples such as Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, and Abraham Lincoln.  You are also building a business of significance.

You will not be the success that you want to be or deserve to be without a business team.  A business team will support you. A team will  help make your dreams a reality. In today's episode we also discuss (1) what is a team; and (2) why a team is so important.  We also share the one easy step that you must take if you want to build a great business team.
Do What You Do Best!
Learning to delegate can be a challenge for a new entrepreneur.  But you must quickly learn that you can not do everything in your business. For one thing, you would exhaust yourself. I remember when I was a new manager and tried to keep too much control over the written  documents that we were responsible for producing each month.  I quickly realized that I could not by myself possibly generate the volume of work required.  I needed to rely on my team to produce the first drafts.  I would then edit and polish the work. Do you find yourself facing a similar dilemma?  Yes, I probably could have written a better first draft than any of the team members. But I came to realize that their first draft was good enough.

What are you doing in your business that someone less talented could do? What are you doing that is not the best use of your time and talents? What are you doing that someone with a completely different skillset is more qualified than you to do?

As you think about your business, ponder on the types of people that you will need on your team to help you achieve your long term business goals?  In our online business we quickly realized that we needed (1) a tech person to build and support the website; (2) a coach/mentor to show us the way; (3) a graphic designer to help with the design of the website and marketing materials.  As the business continues to grow, we will continue to add more people to provide specialized support.

Remember:  "Do What You do Best! Let Your Team Do the Rest."

We can show you how to create a business that meets your dreams and goals.  When you are ready your business growth, contact us  about “The Strategic Pathway to Success Program™"

We would love to hear from you about a situation when you tried to everything yourself. What happened? What lessons did you learn? Leave us a comment.