My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

How to Network Like a Pro

September 02, 2016

Network Like a Pro!
To network like a professional often requires you to change your mindset. In this interview with business consultant, Leslie Cardinal, you will learn all about the proper networking mindset and attitude. Leslie also shares advice on (1) why we should network; (2) some common mistakes in networking; and (3) helpful tips to relieve your jitters when you network. If you want to become a savvy networker, listen to this interview to learn how to network like a pro!
Network Where Your "Tribe" Hangs Out
You need to network where your "tribe" hangs out. Where does your "target market"  or "tribe" hang out? Are they on-line? If so, where?  You need to go where they go. If they are on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest then make sure that you are posting relevant information. If they are in your local area, then go out to meet them. Engage with your potential clients by asking questions and getting to know them. Learn from them. They have a lot to teach you. To network like a pro, you should commit to reaching out on a consistent basis to establish relationships. It is the relationships that you establish that will help build your authority.
Become a Problem Solver
To network like a pro you need to do more than post articles and put links to your website. You need to make a habit of commenting, connecting, and offering solutions to issues. Every solution that you offer does not have to relate to something that you are selling.  You will build your credibility if you show genuine interest in solving problems.
Become a Connector
To network like a pro you should aim to connect people who can help each other. For example, if you meet someone who is looking for a graphic designer, you can connect them with the person who designed your logo. We often find ourselves recommending products and services of the people who have helped us build our business. When you help your "target market" and connect them with useful information, it positions you as an authority.
As you learn to network like a pro by (1) networking where your "tribe" hangs out; (2) becoming a problem solver; and (3) becoming a connector, you will reap many benefits.  For example, as you build connections with them, you are building your authority. You are also creating a tremendous boost for your business.

Another great way to connect and engage with your audience is through creating your own podcast series. To find out how to produce an impactful podcast series grab a copy of our: Special Report and Training Guide: The Podcasting Power Playbook. We will show you step-by-step how to become a great podcast host.

