My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

Create Content to Increase Your Authority Status Podcast Episode 8:3

August 31, 2016

Create Content to Increase Your Authority Status

One of the best ways to build your authority status is to consistently create content that your audience finds valuable. In this episode of My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series, we discuss several ways to create content that will boost your authority status. Listen in as we share our ideas to help you build credibility, visibility, and authority.

Tip 1: Create a Blog
Owning your on space on the internet is the ideal way to show case your expertise. If you create content that is informative and full of value, then  your audience and potential list of clients will grow. You should strive to consistently provide solutions to your audience's problems and also to share industry news. Remember to leave comments on the blog posts of leaders in your industry. These comments help position you in a positive light.
Tip 2: Create a Podcast
You can create content that is not in writing. Other types of content can also be persuasive. You can try infographics, videos, or audio podcasts. We enjoy producing a weekly podcast that includes guest interviews and training sessions for entrepreneurs.  You can find out how you can produce your own impactful podcast series in our Special Report and Training Guide: The Podcasting Power Playbook.  Exploring other ways to create content opens up doors to a wider audience.
Tip 3: Create an Information Product
One great way to connect with your audience is to create content that allows them to learn more in-depth information from you. For example, you could create home study courses. These courses could be delivered via an email or a membership site. You may want to include a video or audio component to your information product. You could also teach part of the course live.

There are so many options for you to exercise your creativity to create content that is informative, compelling, and valuable to your audience and clients.

Be sure to subscribe to our podcast series: My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series share powerful strategies to help you build a business of significance and achieve uncommon results!