My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

New Entrepreneur: Be Professional to Make a Good Impression

August 11, 2016

Be Professional: Make a Good First Impression
In today's episode of My Biz Dream Team: Episode Wednesday Training Series we discuss how you should present yourself in a professional manner. We discuss specific steps that you should take to be sure that you will be seen in the best possible light. What kind of an impression are you making? As an entrepreneur you want to be seen as the expert in your market.  People are drawn to those in authority. Your professionalism will help you attract new clients and grow your business.  You may want to read our recent blog post How to be a Recognized Expert to get more information on the topic.
What Does it Mean to Present Yourself in a Professional Manner?
It means that you set high standards for your business.  What standards have you set for your business? If you set low standards, you will not be in business long.  You don't need to be perfect.  No one is perfect. But people want to do business with people who know what they are doing. It means that you have to look and sound like an expert.  You can do this in a number of ways.

(1) Your social media posts should be professional and business related.  There is a real danger of over-sharing. The danger is that your potential clients may get an unfavorable impression of you.  So be careful of what you post on social media.  Your photos and images should portray you in the best possible light.  This is the case even on personal sites.  Nothing is private on the internet.

(2) Your written and spoken language should be consistent with the image that you want to portray in your business. It is better not to use slang, tech talk, or jargon.  Make sure that you are clearly understood by potential clients.   You may want to hire an editor to help you with writing books or marketing materials.

(3) You want to seen as someone who is a problem solver.  Be friendly and approachable. You will attract more clients by putting yourself in situations where you can continue to grow and learn.  Become known as someone who helps others.

You are probably already doing many of the things we suggest. But you can always use reminders.

Leave a comment to let us know how you are using social media and marketing to make a good first impression on your potential clients.