My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

Podcasting Can Increase Your Visibility Episode 7:4

July 28, 2016

Podcasting Can Increase Your Visibility
Listen to the latest episode of My Biz Dream Team:  Opportunity Wednesday as we continue the discussion of podcasting.  Taking action to get expert guests is one of the important steps when it comes to podcasting. In this episode we present several additional podcasting strategies  to help you to grow your business and increase your visibility.
Summary of Episode
These podcasting strategies help you make the most of your expert guests. They also help you impress your expert guest and your audience with your professional, easy-flowing podcast interview.

We begin with an update of the podcasting strategies presented in previous episodes.

* You need to do your homework to find experts guests who add value to your audience.  The homework continues even after the guest expert agrees to the interview.  Preparation is the key for a great podcast.
* You need to conduct a podcast that respects and honors your guests time.  Don't let your disorganization cause the interview to run overtime.
* You need to send your expert guest a preliminary list of questions in advance of the interview. One key podcasting strategy is the thoroughness of your familiarity with your expert guest and her product or services.
* You should practice active listening during the interview.  Relax and make the interview fun and informative.

In this week's episode, we discuss the following podcasting strategies:

* Your connection with your expert guest does not end with the interview, but should continue.  Sending a gracious thank-you note or gift will help you build on the relationship.
* You should ask your expert guests for referrals to other potential guests for  your podcast.
* You should prepare a simple form to gather this follow-up information.

All of these podcasting strategies will help you create a dynamic, fun-filled podcast series that grows your business and increases your visibility.   Grab your copy of the Special Report and Training Guide: The Podcasting Power Playbook that accompanies this series.
My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday
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