My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series

Affiliate Marketing: Interview of Connie Ragen Green

May 13, 2016

Build an Online Empire Recommending What You Love!


Affiliate marketing is the topic of today’s interview with Connie Ragen Green, the “Queen of Affiliate Marketing.”  In this interview Connie shares her thoughts about affiliate marketing as a viable business model. She also discusses the consistent actions that successful entrepreneurs must take.


We first met Connie four years ago at an event in Toronto, Canada.  We later spent more time with her at another event in London.  After taking several of her courses, we are raving fans of her products and services. I highly recommend Connie's course on affiliate marketing. 


Connie has also written a book on affiliate marketing titled, “Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing: How to Build an Online Empire Recommending What You Love."


Learn the secrets to her success. 


Click the arrow to start the interview with Connie Ragen Green.