

Dr. Martin Haulena (Part I): Trying to save a wild whale

September 13, 2018

Off the coast of British Columbia, Canada, a dire situation is unfolding. The southern resident killer whales, part of an iconic species integral to the Pacific Northwest ecosystem, are endangered. Only 75 remain and no calf has been born and survived since 2015. Now, a four-year-old in the pod, J50, seems to be on the brink of death. Dr. Martin Haulena, head veterinarian at Vancouver Aquarium, along with a team of scientists, government officials and animal care specialists, have been monitoring the animal and devising a plan to help. Recently, Dr. Haulena successfully delivered antibiotics to the whale via dart gun. To the average person, it was an impressive feat. And same goes for the work he’s done with sea lions, disentangling injured animals who have packing straps wrapped around their neck - a death sentence without his help. But for the vet, it's another step in his lifelong effort to protect the animals he loves so much and to remedy the impact that humans have had on them.