My Life At A Weird Angle (MLAAWA)

My Life At A Weird Angle (MLAAWA)

Latest Episodes

Excuse or Example
July 25, 2024

On this episode I catch up with myself and am reminded that my life can either be an excuse or an example. It's conversations like this that I have first with God and then talk about on the podcast that remind me and everybody else that I'm still

I Bet on Myself
July 18, 2024

Epic's own Alexa Criollo & I catch up to hear the journey from lacrosse to communication powerhouse. Learn how to build yourself with integrity.

Play a BIGGER Game
July 11, 2024

Markus Kaulius & I catch up to talk about his new book and using what's currently available to start creating more awesome in our lives. Connect with him

You Can Cause Belief
July 04, 2024

At the summer superhero summit on June 30th we talked about the 7th growth equations to success and one of them, that is in this episode is IDEA + EMOTION + TIME = BELIEFUnderstanding this equation means that you can cause belief in your life. Belief ac

Lead Yourself First
June 27, 2024

Damon Dillard and I catch up and talk about how we didn't get into this business to be great we got into the business we are in to solve our own problems. Once we were able to lead ourselves it became inevitable that we lead others. Connect with Damon

Healing Potential
June 15, 2024

With the help of Dr Nen we are able to understand our bodies potential for healing. Not only that but coupled with the superhero training you can in fact heal your body and mind simultaneously. We deep dive into the intelligence that our bodies operate wi

Things I Noticed While Becoming a Superhero 10
June 13, 2024

Simply, Action Kills fear.

Helpful on Purpose #2
June 09, 2024

Amber, and I catch up to talk all things growth, awesome, fun and inclusive. It's not often you hear those things in the same sentence but when you love what you do it's easy to be helpful on purpose

Helpful on Purpose #2
June 08, 2024

Amber, and I catch up to talk all things growth, awesome, fun and inclusive. It's not often you hear those things in the same sentence but when you love what you do it's easy to be helpful on purpose

Things I Noticed While Becoming a Superhero 9
June 06, 2024

"You are what you accept & what you refuse to give up."Get your D.R.O.P.S below