May We Help You?'s Radio Show

May We Help You?'s Radio Show

Tanya Free and Friends Radio Show

February 26, 2015

This week’s topics include:

•Former NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who has been described by some as being desperate to remain relevant, dominated the airwaves after his assertions that President Obama does not love America. 
•The Justice Department and FBI are examining whether hate-crime or other federal laws were violated in the fatal shootings of three Muslim students in North Carolina that police believe stemmed from a long-standing dispute over parking at a Chapel Hill condominium complex. 
•Republicans have criticized President Obama for what they claim is a major foreign policy failure: His refusal to use the term “Islamic†to describe the terrorists of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. 
•Walmart will reportedly increase the starting wage to $9 an hour, and the next year, move those “associates’†pay up to $10, which is about what the White House proposed for the federal minimum .Some of the managers could move to at least $13 an hour this summer and at least $15/hour early next year.â€ Views Weekly Poll

Snow has dominated our lives and the news over the past few weeks. Closed airports, cancelled classes, supermarket runs, blocked driveways and cabin fever are the new norm for many of us on the east coast. Some love it and others, not so much. How about you?

Would you rather see more snow or less snow for the rest of winter?