May We Help You?'s Radio Show

May We Help You?'s Radio Show

The Joan Henry Radio Show

January 21, 2017

Joan Henry radio show is a fun forum for individuals who are interested in becoming an entrepreneur to connect with like-minded individuals, as well as entrepreneurs who are looking to take their business to another level to learn from other successful entrepreneurs in their respective fields. The show features guests who spoke on a variety of business related topics such as goal setting, recognize opportunities, Mindset, creative thinking, problem solving, planning and organizing, financial literacy, taxes, branding, marketing, etc. The show also features guests from multi-level marketing, franchising, and other marketing concepts

Ruben West is the founder of The Success Immune System, a Professional Certified Success Coach, Trainer, entrepreneur, published author, and dynamic speaker. He teaches and trains students and clients all over the world to step into their vision and as he puts it, Live Your BEST Life. Ruben has been coached and personally mentored by greats, such as Bill Walsh and Les Brown  with whom he recently traveled to South Africa with, sharing the message of hope and inspiration

Ruben has mastered the ability to help individuals see a larger vision of themselves and has developed a masterful system that allows individuals to increase productivity, improve relationships and spend time doing what matters most. More specifically, he helps individuals get clear about what they want, breakthrough any limitations, challenges, and/or that may be holding them back, and ultimately help them achieve their dreams