Music Ed Amplified

Music Ed Amplified

Latest Episodes

Karla Bell: The Graceful Educator | S02E06
December 16, 2021

Karla Bell, the Graceful Educator, joins Missy on the podcast to talk about the work she does every day in her program to lift up and nurture students, helping them grow into the learners and leader

Taylor Kurilew: CS – Let’s Get Back Into It! S02E05
December 01, 2021

  Missy talks with Taylor Kurilew, a teacher in the first years of using John Feierabend’s Conversational Solfege music literacy program for elementary students. In a former podcast, Missy and Taylor

Austin Martin: Rhymes with Reason | S02E04
November 11, 2021

  Austin Martin is the founder of Rhymes with Reason, an online interactive platform helping students study vocabulary words through hip hop music. Austin talks to Missy about his enduring love for hi

Natasha Verhulst: Changing the Narrative About Indigenous Music | S02E03
October 20, 2021

  Natasha outlines a few important considerations as teachers create lessons for Native American Heritage Month in November. She also shares some of her own favorite modern Native artists who are help

Amy Burns: Virtual Performance? Help! | S02E02
October 13, 2021

  Missy sends out another tech SOS to Amy Burns who, as always, steps up in a big way to help Missy think through attempting a virtual performance with elementary students. They discuss the most basic

Franklin J. Willis: Digging Deep While Pressing Forward | S02E01
October 06, 2021

  Season 2 kicks off with a great discussion between Franklin and Missy about how teachers can find ways to dig into their own creative wells as musicians while also finding ways to joyfully draw out

Mark Peters: Telling a Different Story: a New Approach to Music History | S01E18
June 26, 2021

  Missy talks to Trinity Christian College Professor Dr. Mark Peters about the transformation of his introductory music listening/literature course. This class, often called “music appreciation” in many universities,

Katie Wardrobe: Teach Me Your Ways – Part Two | S01E17
June 10, 2021

In Part 2 of Missy and Chris Anne Powers’ interview with Katie Wardrobe of Midnight Music. Chris gets a chance to ask her questions about using tech in the music classroom, including what Katie thinks are the “must haves” for tech in the music room.

Katie Wardrobe: Teach Me Your Ways – Part One | S01E16
June 02, 2021

  Missy once again complains about her very up and (mostly) down relationship with technology to the queen of tech, Katie Wardrobe of Midnight Music. In Part One of the conversation, in which they are joined by FAME Teacher Trainer and Midnight Music f...

Tiffany Barry: Filipino Songs & Culture in the Music Room | S01E15
May 15, 2021

  Are you seeking ways to better represent all students in your classroom, or looking for some great and engaging repertoire to use during Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month as well as all year long?