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John McKean Power Rack Training Volume Six
Power Rack Training Volume Six-Multi Millionaire Eric Fiorillo The Host of the Award Winning Motivation and Muscle Streaming Radio 24/7 Welcomes John McKean to the Broadcast.“John McKean, turning a “young” 74 this December, has been competing in all aspects of the iron game for 57 years. He’s lifted in hundreds of meets, having won National titles in Master’s age Olympic style weightlifting and powerlifting, and acquired 9 World titles in IAWA (all-round) weightlifting, currently holding 335 USAWA national all-around records. As a retired Middle school math teacher, with a Masters’s degree in Guidance & Counseling, John put to good use all the writing required in college, by “self-discovery” articles published in about every available strength journal. He was quite involved with the sport during the “golden age” of power rack training in the 1960s, and has continually trained with, researched, and written about this dynamic system ever since!”
This is a monster of a Podcast today. Today we put the rubber to the road in Power Rack Training Volume Six The Workout. We will describe to you today the workout movements that Eric and John are doing right at the moment. We will set the Rack up for you meaning start each lift in the middies or middle of the rack as it’s referred to. Obviously, we will tackle form from the starting position of each rack movement and describe to you in full detail how to execute the pull or push against the other set of rods. This is the most important part of the lift because this is where your incredible strength will be built from.
This podcast will be your blueprint to begin a journey through the steel that you’ve never felt before. If you stay on our program plan on seeing muscle on your frame as you’ve never imagined. And that’s not all. How about building ligaments, and tendons that look like cable underneath your skin. There’s even more. Your Bones will be the size of a gorilla! We even have one movement that Eric and John think will make you a champion stone lifter if that inspires you,
So join Eric and John and lets hit the ground running! This is the most information-dense podcasts I’ve ever heard in the strength field. You can have it all if you want to take up the challenge of Power Rack Training! Let’s build some real Strength and Power and have the tenacity to see it through! Hail to the Power Rack and those four Pillers of Power!
Motivation and Muscle Streaming Radio 24/7 With Host Eric Fiorillo Connects Your Brain With Your Brawn! Enjoy!
*Don’t Forget to Do a Search for Our Past Podcast Shows with John McKean @
*This Radio Show Was Posted February 19, 2020
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