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John McKean Power Rack Training Volume Five
Power Rack Training Volume Five-Eric Fiorillo The Host of the Award Winning Motivation and Muscle Streaming Radio 24/7 Welcomes John McKean to the Broadcast.“John McKean, turning a “young” 74 this December, has been competing in all aspects of the iron game for 57 years. He’s lifted in hundreds of meets, having won National titles in Master’s age Olympic style weightlifting and powerlifting, and acquired 9 World titles in IAWA (all-round) weightlifting, currently holding 335 USAWA national all-around records. As a retired Middle school math teacher, with a Masters’s degree in Guidance & Counseling, John put to good use all the writing required in college, by “self-discovery” articles published in about every available strength journal. He was quite involved with the sport during the “golden age” of power rack training in the 1960s, and has continually trained with, researched, and written about this dynamic system ever since!”
Today is another epic day at Motivation and Muscle with our emphasis being back through after a month's worth of trials and tribulations. I'll always take the bold approach to life to always conquer any and every obstacle and you should too! What better way to begin our climb up to the mountain peak with another installment of Power Rack Training Volume Five. Heavy Singles!
Eric and John take you through so many ways to gain through the use of the rack and the mind-blowing results that accompany this training when learned, understood and applied efficiently! We talk about moving a massive weight even a much shorter distance using bungee cords. We get right into the mental thoughts needed of what it's going to take on your part to put your full concentration into just one rep. We talk about the excitement of planning, eating, and sleeping for gains as you've never experienced before! Do I have your attention?
We talk about the importance of singles and dispell the myth right away the thought out there that you can't gain from heavy singles. John brings to us the great Powerlifter and Strongman Don Reinhoudt front and center on what his rep ranges were and gives us a glimpse just how strong he was using no wraps or supportive gear. The story is truly remarkable!
Today's Podcast Power Rack Training Volume Five is no less than remarkable! Jump into the Four Pillers of Power with us and become the very best you'll ever be! What are you waiting for? If you need help John and I are always here. Now it's all up to you. The question I ask all of you is do you want to bathe in Mediocrity or Exceptionalism? The decision is yours! Join us!
Motivation and Muscle Streaming Radio 24/7 With Host Eric Fiorillo Connects Your Brain With Your Brawn! Enjoy!
*Don't Forget to Do a Search for Our Past Podcast Shows with John McKean @
*This Radio Show Was Posted February 3, 2020
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