Motivation and Muscle - FBC

Motivation and Muscle - FBC

Jedd Johnson Mastering Yourself

December 01, 2019

Mastering Yourself-Eric Fiorillo The Host of The Award Winning Motivation and Muscle Streaming Radio 24/7 Podcast Welcomes Jedd Johnson to the Broadcast. Jedd is a Speaker, Performing Strongman, 5x National Champion, a 2015 Triple Crown Champion, winning Nationals, Gripmas, and the King Kong of Grip Living Legends Champion in 2019 and the Owner of Peak Strength and Fitness.
It's great to have Jedd back with the M&M Family. This will give both Eric and Jedd time to get caught up on what's been going on with Jedd in the last year. The biggest event that has happened since we last spoke is Jedd has fully entered in and committed to being an entrepreneur with the opening of his commercial gym called Peak Strength and Fitness.
This segment of our podcast really drives home what entrepreneurship is all about and the most important steps you must take to make it succeed. I've stated on many M&M Podcasts that there is never a right or wrong time to start! If you're waiting for the stars to align for everything to work the battle has already been lost. Never and I repeat never take that road. We talk about the differences between training clients at your home as opposed to Jedds actual commercial gyms. Eric and Jedd talk about how his client base has changed considerably and how through common sense training his trainees are really thriving from Jedd's experience and teachings.
The whole podcast really boils down to Mastering Yourself. This really is the only way to practice and implement a lifetime of success! Mastering Yourself is all based on how do you see yourself, how do you talk to yourself and do your physical surroundings which you live create optimism? These three questions are so important as to what you will accomplish in your everyday life and well into the future. You can make the decision once and for all. Am I going to be a Pessimist or an Optimist? Make the answer an Optimist because you will see the world and achieve in the world like no other! Keep Going!

Today's Podcast Titled Mastering Yourself is one of many keys to our success. You'll never achieve anything unless you know who and what you are. We talk about all of the great things associated with being an entrepreneur, a strength athlete, a teacher, and a mentor. The art of giving back and seeing your business unfold and grow ten times bigger! So start today and become a student of yourself. Make the critical decisions to change the things you don't like and replace them with thoughts of winning, achievement and life setting goals which will steer you to greatness! Keep Going!
Motivation and Muscle Streaming Radio 24/7 With Host Eric Fiorillo Connects Your Brain With Your Brawn! Enjoy!

*Don't Forget to Do a Search for Our Past Podcast Shows with Jedd Johnson @
*This Radio Show Was Posted December 1, 2019
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