Mundane Faithfulness: Grace | Community | Faith
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What’s your confession?
Confession: I struggle believing that God is benevolent. As a little girl, I suspected that God wasn’t really paying attention to me, but then after my parents died when I was 20, I decided that God was out to get me—he downright disliked me. Losin
Kara’s Collection: The Beautiful Dance
God and his goodness does not depend on my acknowledgement of that goodness. His refuge does not exist because I state its existence. No, his goodness and refuge are true because He says they are true. But guess what: I have deeply experienced both his
The Promise of God with Us
At our school we have a 6th grade camp. There are no parents—just counselors and teachers. The kids go off for 3 days and 2 nights. They try some new outdoor activities and have a blast. We've been planning for it all year, but as it neared, I think
Fundane Links
Today's links are a little different: we have two spectacular giveaways coming up, so I wanted you to be able get familiar with the books we will be giving away.
Kara’s Collection: Radiant Living
I imagine you look upon my story and think I am anything but saved from troubles. Look closer. I absolutely have been rescued. Beautifully rescued and restored in a way that is unmistakable. My story has been written, the conclusion is sure—as sure a
Send Me
I have this vivid memory of being at a worship event at my university where we sang Isaiah’s famous words, Here I am, Lord, send me. I remember feeling completely ready for wherever the Lord wanted me to go. In this pivotal moment of my faith journey
Kara’s Collection: My Soul, My Weary Soul
In scripture, when you see the word lord written in all caps, it is referring to Yahweh (Exodus 3). It is the name that says God is unchangeable: I am a God that is with you, Sustainer; it is his covenant name that says he is a God who keeps his promis
Dandelion Reminders
The other day, this sweet girl and I needed to run to the store. We stepped out the back door to walk to the garage, and she squealed—and I truly mean squeal—Hello, dandelions! She hopped from dandelion patch to dandelion patch (I read somewhere th
Fundane Links
Hello, friends! We are trying a new feature on the blog in which we share links to interesting, edifying blogs or websites for your perusal. We took a poll in the Mundane Faithfulness Community and decided to call this new feature Fundane Links! Cheesy
A Love Letter to Safe Places
To all you Safe Places out there—you are loved and cherished and appreciated. Safe Places, do you know how rare you are? Do you know how often people who are suffering or struggling simply need a kind word or a hug just so they feel acknowledged and