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Invincible Volumes 21 to 25 - Comic Book Book Club

July 13, 2021

All good things must come to an end and so it is with our read through the Invincible series. Now it's well known that even the best series have a hard time sticking the landing. How did Invincible do? stuck the landing. Kirkman really gives this series the ending it deserved and it felt like it came full circle and was completely earned. 
Of course it also comes with a lot of brutality and shocking deaths but we would have it now other way because...well...this is Invincible. This was a really great series to read and gives you a taste of what a big superhero epic could be if there was a finite story and end in mind. 

* Invincible Volume 21: Modern Family
* Invincible Volume 22: Reboot?
* Invincible Volume 23: Full House
* Invincible Volume 24: The End of All Time Part 1
* Invincible Volume 25: The End of All Time Part 2

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