Mr. Throwback Thursday

Mr. Throwback Thursday

Episode 323 – Streaming Pile

April 09, 2020

Happy Throwback Thursday, everyone! As we enter show 3 of the Coronapocalypse, we have some major issues. Computers starting, then restarting, then updating, then restarting. Zoom failing us, having to find backup software on the fly…..and so much other stuff that added up to a streaming pile of, well…you know. Why is Bill’s face on the Tiger dude? Because I am led to believe that is ALSO a streaming (and steaming) pile of…again, you know. After all of our trials and tribulations, we come out the other side with a pretty damned good show. Want to find out more? Let’s listen.

* Teach the Children Well
* Pass Art
* We All Came Out to Montreux
* Ain’t No Sunshine
* Rugged
* Prison Pandemic
* Pan-GEAH-titis
* April 1 is a Joke
* Wu News
a. No to RZAcism
b. For the Ottowa Children?
* One and Done – Mystidious Misfitss
* Record of the Week – X-Raided “Psycho Active“
* Del the Funky Homosapien
* Old to the New – Smooth B “Before“
* Bill (Fake Football Loser) Reads Lyrics