Mr. Mark's Classroom

Mr. Mark's Classroom

Latest Episodes

Practicing Fire Drills
June 28, 2018

  Yes, we had a Fire Drill on Sunday morning. We left the building and met at our safe location. I remember bringing it up in staff meeting and getting some resistance. The truth is, our kids never thought twice about it.

Three Tips for Teaching Children with Special Needs 
June 21, 2018

  I am amazed how parents are the key to my classroom success. When a new child with special needs joins your classroom be sure to take a few moments to have a conversation with the parents. They have walked many miles with doctors and specialists,

Favorite Things at Grouptime
June 14, 2018

  Adding some of these ideas to your grouptime with younger children will give you more of a variety of activities as a large group.  Take note and keep this list with your materials when you prepare so you can change up your routine and create more in...

Tips for Classroom Appearance 
June 07, 2018

  Please understand that your classroom needs your attention. We have moved in and out of these classrooms all year and it’s time to clean it up (especially after Vacation Bible School). Make it a goal this summer to get in that classroom and clean out...

Eight Ways Preschoolers Learn – Part 2
May 31, 2018

Knowing how preschoolers learn is the biggest issue with our early childhood classes. It feels like teachers are moving toward childcare rather than Bible teaching. The problem is understanding how preschoolers learn. If we could understand this part,

Be Prepared 
May 17, 2018

  I sometimes worry that I say, “Be prepared.” too much. The truth is, I know what it feels like to walk into a room unprepared and try to “wing-it.” You think you know the Bible story and you probably do, but you don’t have your act together and the k...

Parent and Child Events 
April 26, 2018

  I am hearing more and more how children’s ministers are providing events for Fathers and Daughters or Mothers and Sons. I chose to plan an event for these two groups in my church, as well as for Fathers and Sons and Mothers and Daughters. Yes,

Sing Your Bible Thoughts 
April 19, 2018

  That’s right!  You can sing your Bible thoughts. I learned this method years ago and was reminded from my friend, Stephanie Chase to sing the Bible thought to my preschoolers. Every Sunday, my kindergarten material prompts me to sing the Bible though...

Are We Teaching for Biblical Literacy? 
April 12, 2018

  It is scary to think we could be looking at the first generation of biblically illiterate kids. Yes, the kids we are teaching right now. I’m not even convinced their parents are biblically literate. These are the future leaders of our churches.

Distracted Adults Teaching Distracted Kids
April 05, 2018

  Are you easily distracted?  I know I am. Often, I get my best work done the last hour of the day when I’m all alone in my office. I used to work later and later, but Connie, my wife, made a rule that I had to be home to eat supper at 6:30 pm. […]
