Mr. Mark's Classroom

Podcast: You Talk Too Much… Seriously
In this episode, teachers will discover the value of listening to children and building relationships. Evaluate your ministry to see if you are a good listener. Make adjustments to be able to connect to kids, parents and other workers by taking time to listen.
See this blog post under leadership or by clicking here.
How are you doing as a listening teacher? What are some ways you build in time to listen?
This post was originally shared on Mr. Mark’s Classroom in April 2016.

Bible Skill Boosters – Green Cycle Bonus Book
The Green Cycle Bonus book is finished! This book is filled with fun games and activities for each of the 25 verses, as well as key passages, and Bible book games. Each idea is like a quick recipe with colorful pictures and simple, quick directions. There are lots of pages in the back you may copy to save you tons of time. This book is only available as a file download so you can use it now and not wait. We are looking forward to a fun year of learning our Green Cycle verses and key passages with these fresh new ideas. We hope you will use them too! Find this NEW Bible Skill Boosters – Green Cycle Book in our store.
*Note- If you would like to listen to the audio version of this podcast during your daily commute, download the Podcast app and subscribe to Mr. Mark’s Classroom for free!
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