Mr. Mark's Classroom

Mr. Mark's Classroom

Podcast Interview with Jim Wideman

October 01, 2015

I realize Jim Wideman needs no introduction since he has been investing his life in children’s ministry for years and years. We have enjoyed hearing him speak at events and/or read one of his 12 books that he has authored or co-authored.

I had the privilege to visit with Jim and ask him about his new book Tweetable Leadership. Let me just say, I really enjoyed the book and the “Tweets” printed within the chapters. I think they could easily be the topics of my next teacher’s meetings or church newsletter articles. I think what I appreciate the most is the honesty Jim reveals about his experience in ministry. Jim carefully weaves great verses of scripture alongside the descriptions of his leadership experiences.

I encourage you to read the final chapter, “What Old Jim Would Say to Young Jim.” Great words of wisdom and proven experience to benefit today’s leaders in Children’s Ministry. Sometimes it feels a little tricky as we navigate through the people and events within the church but Jim gives perspective that benefits each of us.

Jim has provided the first chapter for you so I attached it to this post as a printable. I hope you will take advantage of this and read it. He has also provided 10 free downloadable books for me to give away to the first 10 people who reply to this email requesting one.

Please check out the book and these other ways to connect with Jim.








Tweetable Leadership Preview