Mr. Mark's Classroom

Mr. Mark's Classroom

Speak as a Child

May 21, 2015

1 Corinthians 13:11 – “When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put aside childish things.

Speaking like a child and acting like a child are not the same
To do the first does not require the second
A sign of maturity is knowing the difference

Who are the kids we are communicating with? Generation Z

Born 2005 to Present
Experienced radical changes in technology and understanding of family, sexuality and gender
They talk in images: emojis, symbols, pictures, videos
They communicate more frequently in shorter bursts of “snackable content”
They want to be talked to as adults
They like to make stuff – they’re industrious
They are collaborative
They want the story told across multiple screens

6 Points for success when speaking with kids

Search for words and concepts that are difficult to understand or that have multiple meanings (slave)

Use multiple translations, paraphrases, and Bible storybooks
Write the passage in your own words
Research Bible dictionaries and reference books
Practice presentation, listening for words that need to be explained

Use a variety of illustrations, visuals, and teaching styles

Be real and transparent (but filtered)
Reference experiences familiar to kids
Connect to previous lessons and experiences
Expose the same concept/truth in a variety of ways

Don’t shy away from questions

Questions reveal a kids journey from concrete to abstract

Teach lessons in bite-sized chunks

It is better for a child to remember one point correctly than multiple points incorrectly
Serve lesson with the appropriate-sized spoon

Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

What’s your point?
Repetition is critical – especially for a generation that communicates in shorter bursts of “snackable content”

Beware of symbolism

Avoid explanations that create more questions than answers (Trinity – three-legged stool)
Admit you do not have all the answers or understand everything yourself (allow room for faith)

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” – George Bernard Shaw

Jerry Wooley teaches children weekly and provides incredible leadership as an advocate for reaching families through Vacation Bible School.  He serves at LifeWay Christian Resources and is a great friend to Mr. Mark’s Classroom and many others.