Mr. Mark's Classroom

Mr. Mark's Classroom

Enlisting Workers for Vacation Bible School

April 16, 2015

Mark:              Mr. Mark's classroom season one episode seven. Did you like that?
Amy:                Yeah, remember when I used to introduce you? That's over now.
Mark:              Roll the music.
Speaker 3:       Mr. Mark's classroom
Speaker 4:       This is the podcast dedicated to intentional leadership in childhood ministry.
Speaker 3:       Mr. Mark's goal is to resource you with tools, ideas, and a passion for leading kids to become lifelong followers of Jesus
Speaker 4:       Let's get this episode rolling with the man at Champions Kids Ministry today, Mr. Mark Jones.
Mark:              Amy, I am so glad you're here today. I noticed yesterday that you were a little bit down, quiet, sleepy, like a real pain in the neck, because you ...
Amy:                You're calling me a pain in the neck?
Mark:              No because you have a pain ...
Amy:                Next thing you know, you're getting the boot. Boot to the neck. You're getting fired.
Mark:              You had a pain in the neck.
Amy:                Let's start the save the Amy campaign.
Mark:              I just think we need to save to buy you a pillow that doesn't give you a pain in the neck.
Amy:                Yeah, it's the pillow.
Mark:              The pillow. That can be an issue.
Amy:                It's not Mr. Mark at all.
Mark:              Everybody needs plenty of sleep, and I'm afraid that a lot of our Children's Ministry friends actually burn the candle at both ends and maybe a little heated in the middle, maybe got a hairdryer on it, I don't know.
Amy:                It's because somebody's always melting their middle, okay?
Mark:              I'm trying to melt some of my middle right now.
Amy:                Melt it in the middle while we're all jiggly and wiggly.
Mark:              One of the big things that we're losing sleep about right now is we're trying to get all of our Vacation Bible School workers enlisted. Even as we speak, we've got coordinators that are meeting and calling and trying to figure out how do we get an army of people enlisted to work in Vacation Bible School. I felt like today we really need to talk about enlisting Vacation Bible School workers. I think there's a couple of things that help in this. It's different than Sunday school.
Amy:                If anybody would like to come to work at the Coil Springs Bible Church VBS, our phone number is ...
Mark:              We welcome you with open arms, because we're trying to enlist an army of people.
Amy:                Yeah, and some people have chosen to go on vacation that week.
Mark:              I heard that.
Amy:                That's appalling.
Mark:              That hurts my heart. It wasn't the pastor, so thank goodness. Our pastor would never do that anyway, but I have heard of other ...
Amy:                No, he'll be at convention.
Mark:              ... churches. No, no.
Amy:                He won't?
Mark:              Is that that week?
Amy:                I don't know, but I'm going on vacation, too.
Mark:              I won't say that, that's just mean. No you're not.
Amy:                I'm getting married that week. April fool's. It's over, isn't it?
Mark:              It's over. I want to say, one of the biggest challenges we face are people are so busy, maybe they just totally lack confidence that they could do it, and I've even heard people say, "Oh, I'm not really not called to that ministry." Really? I'm calling you, let's talk. I think that we need to get people in there. I've