Mr. Mark's Classroom

Mr. Mark's Classroom

Share the Joy! Working with a Ministry Team

March 05, 2015

You are NOT supposed to do it all. In this podcast interview with Bill Emeott we will discuss and consider eight ways to develop and work with a ministry team. We will look at ways to create a shared team culture of ministry.
WHY USE A TEAM?   What does the Bible say?

Proverbs 11:14 – Without guidance, people fall, but with many COUNSELORS there is deliverance.
Proverbs 15:22 – Plans fail when there is no counsel. But with MANY advisers they succeed.
Proverbs 24:5-6 – A wise warrior is better than a strong one, and a man of knowledge than one of strength; for you should wage war with sound guidance – victory come with MANY counselors.

Determine the Purpose of the Team:

Ask yourself, “Why do we need THIS team?”
What will be the purpose for this team?
Types of Teams:

Long Term Guidance/Leadership: Offers consistent opinion and counsel. Assist the ministry leader in carrying out the overall vision for the ministry.

Kids Ministry Team
Preschool Ministry Team

Short Term Projects/Activities
Program oriented Teams

Make sure your team operates within the scope of the vision/mission of the ministry and the church.

Gather the Right Team:

God is more concerned with our success than we are, PRAY.
Consider different personalities of those invited to be on your team
Figure out how all the members fit together. (Ephesians 4:16 “The BODY…”fitted and knit together…by the proper working of each individual part.”)

Commit to the Team:

This is about… “Looking beyond the task at hand and making a more thoughtful, deeper commitment to those on the team.”
Be concerned for and acknowledge the whole person not just the team member (Mental, Physical, Spiritual, Social, Emotional)
Ask, “How can this person best serve the team?” (Talents/Giftedness)
THEN ask yourself, “How can I best serve this person?”
Pray for your team members. Ask for spiritual insights into their needs
Make the team your priority and make sure they can tell the team is your priority

Cast a Vision for the Team:

Share the vision/mission/passion
Clearly define the purpose
Work together to create the goals

Equip and facilitate the Team:

Provide specific training for specific understanding
Take a “always wanting to learn – always wanting to improve” posture about the work, the team, and YOURSELF.
Lead by example: Walk the Walk

Empower the Team:

Give things away to your team members
Encourage/Nurture various team members’ giftedness and skillsets
Resist the “I’ll just do it myself” mentality
Trust your Team

Recognize the Team:

Show appreciation
Don’t take the credit for the team
Recognize unique contributions
Give private recognition
Plan for public recognition

Don’t Kill the Team:

Failure to do #1-6
Docility (passive/indecisive)
Fail to evaluate
Fail to seek opinions

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