Mr Barton Maths Podcast

Latest Episodes
#197 Developing a lesson structure – episode 3 (with Ollie Lovell)
This is the third in our series of conversations where we seek to agree upon a maths lesson structure. This time around, we continue our discussion of the Do Now, this time focusing on the choice of content, and what students do whilst working on the Do N
#196 Developing a lesson structure – episode 2 (with Ollie Lovell)
In this episode, Ollie and I tried something different. Ive been working with a school to help develop a departmental lesson structure with their maths team. I know Ollie had been doing something similar with a school he has been working with, so it seem
#195 Developing a lesson structure - episode 1 (with Ollie Lovell)
In this episode, Ollie and I tried something different. I've been working with a school to help develop a departmental lesson structure with their maths team. I know Ollie had been doing something similar with a school he has been working with, so it seem
#194 A chat about Ollie Lovell's lesson
Ollie Lovell sent me a recording of a maths lesson he had recently taught in a school he has been supporting. I suggested we discuss the lesson, centring around Ollies planning, the decisions he made, and his responses in the lesson. Fortunately, Ollie a
#193 Tools and Tips for Teachers: Episode 14 (with Ollie Lovell)
In this conversation, Craig Barton and Ollie Lovell discuss various topics related to teaching and professional development. They touch on the importance of aligning pedagogy in schools and the potential benefits and drawbacks of co-constructing instructi
#192 Tools and Tips for Teachers: Episode 13 (with Ollie Lovell)
In this conversation, Craig and Ollie discuss various topics, including their health, their rankings as education influencers, and the importance of breaking down concepts into smaller atoms for effective teaching. They also explore the idea of sharing wh
#191 Tools and Tips for Teachers: Episode 12 (with Ollie Lovell)
In this conversation, Craig Barton and Ollie discuss various topics including recovery from illness, feedback, and teaching methods. They explore different approaches to going through responses from starters in the classroom, such as working through every
#190 Atomisation and Unstoppable Learning with Kris Boulton
Kris Boulton returns to the podcast to discuss atomisation and how it can lead to unstoppable learning for our students. You can access the show-notes here: Timestamps: Atomization in mathematics educatio
#189 Tools and Tips for Teachers: Episode 11 (with Ollie Lovell)
In this conversation, Craig Barton and Ollie Lovell discuss various teaching strategies and approaches. They cover topics such as the importance of choosing effective examples, the benefits of using green smoothies for breakfast, and the concept of hands-
#188 Ten ways to get amazing GCSE maths results with Jo Morgan
Craig Barton and Jo Morgan discuss Jo's career journey and the context of her school. They then dive into the topic of achieving amazing GCSE results, starting with the importance of a solid Key Stage 3 and 4 curriculum and pedagogy. Jo emphasizes the