Money Plan SOS

Money Plan SOS

Latest Episodes

Five Ways To Reduce Financial Stress – MPSOS145
February 20, 2014

Money can cause us to experience a large number of unnecessary anxieties. A number of things can help alleviate a majority of worries when it comes to money and finances. Here are five ways to reduce financial stress that would make anyone feel more po...

Tax Deductions you want (and 3 you DON’T) – MPSOS144
February 13, 2014

The sole benefit of Federal form Schedule A is to give us the opportunity to keep more of our hard-earned money. These are commonly referred to as “itemized deductions.” These are the tax deductions you want, and 3 you don’t. -

What Happens To My Credit Score When I Pay Off Debt – MPSOS143
February 06, 2014

What happens to my credit score when I pay off debt? In this episode I share survey results that show debt-free people aren't worried about their credit score. FICO says what's in your credit score FICO says your credit score is based on the length o...

This Teen’s Got Cents – Eva Baker on MPSOS142
January 30, 2014

This 17 year old has got some sense! Eva Baker started a personal finance blog at and is learning a lot about how money really works. This will benefit her greatly when she strikes and makes her mark on this world. -

How we doubled our net worth, and you can too! – MPSOS141
January 16, 2014

Definition of Net Worth Net Worth is the difference between the value of what you own and what you owe. If all you owned was a home worth $200,000 but you owed $150,000 on the mortgage then your net worth would be $50,000. -

Creditors Behaving Badly – MPSOS140
January 10, 2014

What can you do when creditors are behaving badly? You have rights, even when your debts aren't being paid There is abundant evidence of the use of abusive, deceptive, and unfair debt collection practices by many debt collectors. -

Making an Obsession my Occupation in 2014 – MPSOS139
January 02, 2014

For 6 years MoneyPlan SOS has been my obsession. My New Year Goals are to make it my occupation. In this episode I share open my planner to you and share the monthly goals to get me out of my day job and into my calling. January 2014 The Virtual Bu...

Medi-Share Health Insurance for 2014 – MPSOS138
December 26, 2013

Medi-Share Health Insurance is one option that complies with the Obamacare Affordable Care Act for 2014. - Are you covered by Health Insurance? It's the law, at least it will be in 2014. - Tony Meggs is the President and CEO of Christian Care Ministr...

Paying Attention is more important than talent – MPSOS137
December 19, 2013

Paying attention to our money, physical health, career, family, etc. allows us to reach our goals. Paying attention can be more important than talent and is second only to desire. Why paying attention is so important

How to talk to parents about their money problems – MPSOS136
December 12, 2013

Over the past year I have received calls and messages from adult children who are concerned for their parent’s finances. Papa has been working hard for decades and Mama was promised that she would never have to work outside of the home again. -
