Money Plan SOS

Money Plan SOS

Latest Episodes

10 Ways We Pay Attention To Money – MPSOS155
May 28, 2014

If you don't pay attention to your finances then you'll find yourself in overdraft and/or debt. I'm not asking you to spend an hour a day on your budget but there are times we need to pay attention to money. Here are 10 ways we pay attention to money a..

10 Steps to Improve Attention and Cash Flow – MPSOS154
May 15, 2014

It had been a hectic morning. I recorded two interviews before leaving for the airport but I made it to the terminal with plenty of time. About 100 passengers ahead of me were being rushed as their flights were affected by weather but I had plenty of t...

Debt Snowball Methods and the secret Credit Card Companies don’t want you to know – MPSOS153
May 01, 2014

The only way to have a positive net worth is to have more assets and savings than debt. The best way to build wealth is to swim without the ankle weights. There are a number of Debt Snowball methods that will help you get out of debt quicker! Debt Elimi

Interview with Rachel Cruze, author of Smart Money Smart Kids
April 17, 2014

Rachel Cruze is a speaker, debt-free evangelist, part-time co-host of the Dave Ramsey show, known for being the inspiration behind the book “Careless at the Carnival”, and is soon to be a NYTimes best selling author for a book to be released on April 22,

From Blown Engine to Creating Independence – MPSOS151
April 10, 2014

  - Kraig Mathias was a young professional with a decent job. He convinced a friend and his brother to take a road trip from Minnesota to California in his 8 year old Pontiac. What he came back with was a story to tell - and $20,000 in auto debt! -

Top 5 Ways To Pay Off Your Mortgage Early
April 01, 2014

Never has the show brought on more guests, more topics, and more laughs. There were so many people on this show that there wasn't enough room for Steve. - HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY! I'm not here in this episode - I've commandeered three other shows that a...

Lies We Tell Ourselves To Keep Our Credit Cards
March 28, 2014

People love their credit cards. Why? They aren’t valuable, can’t be traded or sold, and cost people money and often their freedom. I’ve been separated from my credit cards for over seven years and can tell you that I don’t miss them a bit.

Habits of the Rich: Interview with Tom Corley
March 20, 2014

Interview with Tom Corley Tom Corley, author of Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals joins me for a discussion about the habits of the rich. In this interview with Tom Corley we also learn the 4 things that can make you un-fire...

Are you smarter than a Millennial – MPSOS147
March 13, 2014

A FINRA study reveals only 18% of millennials are able to correctly answer 4 out of 5 questions about finance. Are you smarter than a Millennial? - Take the quiz with me to find out. Listen to the podcast for answers. - Links mentioned in the show: -

Redefining Retirement: Interview with Mitch Anthony, author of The New Retirementality – MPSOS146
March 06, 2014

Interview with Mitch Anthony; a sought-after financial services consultant, popular speaker, and host of "The Daily Dose" radio program. His RetireMentors column appears regularly on CBS and he has been quoted numerous times in The Wall...
