Money Plan SOS

Money Plan SOS

Latest Episodes

The Devil Doesn’t Want You To Hear This: Credit Cards Are Against My Religion
December 05, 2013

Credit cards are against my religion. - I shared this belief in a webinar on October 3rd. Only a handful of people have watched the video, which I understand; it was an hour long and you have better things to do. -

7 Common Denominators of the Wealthy – MPSOS134
November 27, 2013

Dr. Thomas J. Stanley  wrote my favorite book on finance. It is called "The Millionaire Next Door." The content was based on years of studying America's wealthy and Dr. Stanley found some interesting results.

5 Ways To Save Money In December – MPSOS133
November 21, 2013

The holidays are upon us. The year is almost over. Like it or not, the winter season is in full gear and more money changes hands in December than at any other time. - It’s also the best time of the year. College students come home for the holidays,

How To Pay for Things With Cash: An FPU Graduate’s Testimony – MPSOS132
November 14, 2013

How To Pay for Things With Cash: An FPU Graduate's Testimony - Financial Peace University is a 9-week course taught on DVD by nationally syndicated radio host Dave Ramsey. - The class covers everything from how to control spending with a budget to re...

Financial Lessons That Stand The Test Of Time – MPSOS131
November 07, 2013

It takes a lifetime to learn how money works. With the speed of change, the creation of new financial products and an overabundance of data that can be reached simply by tapping on your iPhone, you would think there are many things I was taught about fina

The Most Powerful Payment Option – MPSOS130 [podcast]
October 31, 2013

What is the most powerful payment option? The greatest tool that lets us live on less than we make and have more money to eliminate debt is an option that has been around for ages. The most powerful payment option is Cash. -

FinCon13 Game Show recorded live from St. Louis
October 23, 2013

Think you know more than financial bloggers? Try your hand at the Financial Blogger Conference Game Show questions. - This was a game show recorded live at FinCon13 in St. Louis on October 19, 2013. Four financial bloggers competed for prizes by answ...

Medi-share and Dissecting Cardmember Services
October 16, 2013

Bob Lotich, Founder of, has been a customer of Medi-Share for over four years. He shares the moments when he used them and how much Medi-Share saved him money when he broke his hand. What is Medi-share

Trickle-down Effect For Your Savings Buckets
October 10, 2013

Where should I save my emergency fund? Should I begin with investing or put money away for my kids? These are the questions of a young couple that wanted to make sure they were saving money in the right places. This episode will give you a clear pictur...

Get Away From Credit Cards Forever – MPSOS126
October 02, 2013

How To Get Away From Credit Card Debt Forever. These 4 Steps slowly weens you away from your dependency on credit cards. The old rules about credit cards no longer exist How long have we been hearing that debit cards are not as safe as credit cards?
