Money Plan SOS

Money Plan SOS

sos075 No Debt, No Credit, and No Problems at FinCon12

September 12, 2012

Got 5 minutes? That's all I need to show you how to live debt-free and not have to worry about your credit score. You can have no debt, no credit, and have no problems - even for a house!

Listen to the audio (click the play button at the top of this post). To watch the 5-minute video performance click here.

Ignite: A Spark
An Ignite Spark is a fast-paced, 5 minute presentation which allows the speaker only 15 seconds before his next slide advances automatically. There is no room for error and many unprepared (or drunk) presenters have been "challenged" when realizing they are way behind and the slides keep movin' on and on and on...
No Debt, No Credit, No Problems
That was the title of my presentation. Everyone wants to be debt free but so few of us try to live a debt-free lifestyle in a room full of Financial Bloggers (more about the conference below).

In 5 minutes I bust the myths that say

Debit cards aren't safe
I need credit cards for the reward points
You have to have a credit card to travel
It is possible to have a car without a payment
You need to "build your FICO score"
You can't buy a house without a credit score

Click here to listen to an extended audio version of my presentation
Here's the problem: Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) isn't fair
The components of the FICO score IS ALL BASED ON DEBT:

Why must I borrow money and pay interest in order to buy a house? I understand banks want us to show how credit-worthy we can be, but credit scores do not measure normal monthly payments.

Your rent, electric bill, or cell phone payment do not help your credit score one ioda. However, miss one of these payments and your credit score will be dinged! The Fair Isaac credit score isn't really fair is it.
eCredable to the rescue
In the video I explain that you can save up to pay for things like vacations, a car, and even a house - no debt allowed! But if you are like me and you can't save up enough to buy a house outright then you can buy a house without a credit score. It's a service called eCredable.

Click here for an interview with eCredable CEO Steve Ely
FinCon12 (St. Louis represents!)
Many of the biggest names in this specialized group were there: PTMoney (the host), JMoney (, PunchDebtInTheFace, Thousandaire, and some big names from St. Louis including

Bob Lotich from ChristianPF, named one of the Top 20 PF Bloggers
Plutus Award winner Mike Piper from
Rising star Jenny from
Jeff Rose from (OK, he's 3 hours from St. Louis but we are his nearest major airport)

Click here for a complete list of the top PF Bloggers

I was most excited to meet...
A long-time friend and brother-from-another-mother Brad Chaffee. He is known as the Enemy Of Debt and he is AWESOME! I wrote a post when he finished paying off his debt (includes link to the video)

Among the others I was excited to meet or had met were Dave Hilton from, previous guest Carrie from, another previous guest Ashley from, as well as Jesse Mecham and Steve Mudie from YNAB. Guest speakers included Ramit Sethi and Liz Weston.

I'm going back again next year, and I'm bringing my budgets with me!

Finally: The YNAB Minute

Think you may have entered something wrong in the checkbook register of YNAB? Click on the questionable budget Outflow to see every transaction that is included in that total.

Give YNAB a try free for 34 days