Money Plan SOS

Money Plan SOS

sos063 A Theoretical Budget

May 25, 2012

This theoretical budget shows where opportunities lie for an average American couple making the average monthly take-home pay and making minimum payments on the typical debts. To follow along, download the Theoretic Budget - Debt vs Debt Free.

Also mentioned in this episode:

Recommended Percentages podcast episode #49

The Recommended Percentage spreadsheet in Excel

How to make your ID harder to steal podcast episode #62

Want to be a part of the show? I'm looking for energetic, fun, and dedicated listeners to record their MoneyPlan SOS shout-out. Use your computer, your iPhone, whatever you have to record yourself saying

"This is _______ from ________ and you are listening to Steve Stewart on the MoneyPlan SOS podcast, teaching everyday Americans how to Pay Attention, Not Interest."

Send your submission to or call in to the MPSOS listener voicemail line: 312-373-0767.

A submission is not a guarantee that it will be on the show, but there is a good chance it will be used in a future project that is in the works.