Money Plan SOS

Money Plan SOS

FinCon13 Game Show recorded live from St. Louis

October 23, 2013

Think you know more than financial bloggers?
Try your hand at the Financial Blogger Conference Game Show questions.

This was a game show recorded live at FinCon13 in St. Louis on October 19, 2013. Four financial bloggers competed for prizes by answering a variety of money-based trivia, filling in the blanks, and competing head-to-head in a Truth or Dare cage match!

The Financial Blogger Conference Game Show Winner!
WINNER: Paula Pant from Afford Anything

It was Paula Pant's birthday but that didn't earn her any extra points. She fought hard to get my attention first and beat the 2nd place contestant by only 45 points.

More amazing is she was able to win even though she couldn't answer the simple question "What's The Fox Say?" Really Paula? :)

Paula won a 30-minute Coaching Session with Philip Taylor, the organizer of the Financial Blogger Conference - a $200 value!

FinCon13 Game Show's 2nd Place Winner
2nd PLACE: Lauren Bowling, also known as @LBeeMoneyTree from

Lauren almost made it but failed to steal the big prize from Paula.

I was tempted to deduct from her points for the question to "If your blog was True North then whose blog would be True South?" She incorrectly answered it as being MoneyPlanSOS - haha Lauren!

Lauren won her own copy of YouNeedABudget - a $60 value!

FinCon13 Game Show's 3rd Place Winner
3rd PLACE: Kim Parr from

Kim is an Optometrist in real life but blogs about her journey to achieve 20/20 financial vision.

I don't "see" why Kim didn't perform better. Maybe it's because she was too eager to get to the answer. I would bet that she's the type who would bet $1.00 on the Price Is Right too.

Kim won a 1-month Business Plan with Rafflecopter: The best way to host online giveaways - a $59.99 value!

She also picked the winner of the YNAB Giveaway for us by using Rafflecopter entries.

 FinCon13 Game Show 3rd Runner-Up
3rd RUNNER-UP to 1st place: It is a true mystery as to why Lena Gott didn't win because she is super-smart. Lena is a CPA and Stay-At-Home-Mom (aren't those synonyms?)

She runs TWO blogs: and

So what happened? Nobody knows. Maybe she was just really tired because she has 3 kids.

Lena won drink tickets on Southwest Airlines. I can't tell you how much the alcoholic beverage tickets are valued at - they become more valuable depending on how many kids she flies with.
FinCon13 Game Show and Trivia Questions
Listen to the audio and follow along with these Financial Blogger Conference Game Show questions:

The stock ticker for Anheuser-Busch, which is traded on the New York Stock Exchange, is ?

Opening multiple credit card accounts each year solely to benefit from the special limited-time offers and bonus miles is known as ?

What's the scientific name given to the study of money and its history?

According to the Federal Reserve, debit card usage surpassed credit cards in what year?

What is the current state income tax rate for Texas?
Name the Certified Financial Planner who is also known as the “Soldier of Finance?

Who said "I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today"
Student loan debt has surpassed the $1 trillion mark. This means the average student graduates with HOW MUCH debt?
The collective effort of raising capital by receiving small investments from a large cross-section of people is called ?
What is the Twitter hashtag used by Dorothea Conner for her TweetChats?

According to FICO, what is the highest credit score number you can get?

What was the name of Average Joe Money's very first podcast?
What is the name of Average Joe Money's second podcast?

The Treasury Building served as the temporary White House for which President (Hint: in 1865)
Finish this quote from Warren Buffett: “Be _________"

Within $10,000, how much did one share of Berkshire- Hathaway close at the end of trading on 10/18/13?