Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church - DC

Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church - DC

EP7 Brow Beating 101

July 18, 2019
One of the reasons millennials don’t go to church is because they think it is a lot of rules and judgement with very little love. To quote the book, “Making Space for Millennials”, by Barna Research, “Substantial majorities of millennials “who don’t go to church say they see Christians as judgmental, 87%. It’s this majoring-in-the-minors culture that’s pushing millennials out of church. While churches’ mission statements read, “Love God,” “Love People” “Serve the World”, the look on church members faces say, “You don’t belong here.” The discussion will examine why there seems to be more rules than a welcoming atmosphere. We will look at the difference between religious dogma and biblical teachings.


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