Movies with John

Movies with John

Podcast Eight - If You Pod It... They Will Listen

November 10, 2015

*****Spoilers for Angels in the Outfield and Bull Durham*****

After going seven days without hearing from your good friends John and Tom... they're back! And they bring with them a very special pod that includes their first guest Ms. Megan Rowley! Ms. Megs uses a wealth of knowledge gained from working with SBNation's Lookout Landing, the blog Just a Bit Outside, and Baseball Prospectus to DOMINATE conversations surrounding two baseball classics, "Angels in the Outfield" and "Bull Durham". Always with impeccable timing, MwJ brings you this special World Series 'cast 10 days after it ended, JUST IN TIME to satiate your appetite for baseball before the dark and foreboding winter. Please rate and review us on iTunes (give us a 5 you jive turkeys), write to us at or on Twitter @movieswithjohn. God Bless America, and PLAY BALL!