Intermission Podcast - A Funny Movie Podcast

Intermission Podcast - A Funny Movie Podcast

#153 Bubba the Redneck Werewolf

May 08, 2017

This week on the Intermission Podcast, Craig watched a movie, Josh came back, and we talk about Miracle Water, The Fate of the Furious, and Bubba the Redneck Werewolf! Yes, it is as good as it sounds, better even. So you better enjoy this episode, enjoy it real good.
A Week in the Lives of Your Favorite Movie Guys
For some reason to start off today’s episode, Craig decides to go through all of the movie guys unanswered voicemails. Well not all of them, there were three thousand one hundred and seventy-two, but all of the important ones. Sarah from the good ol’ West of Virginia called and wished us a happy Christmas, she was drunk. Very drunk. Guy then tries to one up Craig by going through all of his voicemails, eight out of nine of them being from his mom, the other being a man cursing at him a lot. Guy’s used to it though. Speaking of Guy, go over to the movie guys store and buy a one of a kind bag of half eaten skittles, near mint conditions, Guy King saliva included for free!
So earlier this week Craig decided to visit a gas station of all places! Craig found himself standing in line behind this really meth outed chick and she thought Craig is in a gang. He wasn’t even wearing his gang jacket! Guy thought he might have been wearing a monocle for some odd reason. Then, on his way home, Craig ran over a forklift on the highway. This turns to a topic of mini golf. For some reason. Or likely for no reason what so ever. Guy invents underwater golf, then Craig finds out that he didn’t.  
The Fate of the Furious
After all of that pointless conversation, Guy and Corey share their week with everyone. They went and watched The Fate of the Furious, and were not impressed it seems. There was something about shooting torpedoes out of hands and punching metal walls. The Rock headbutts the crap out of some other dude that was wearing a helmet and the helmet guy died. It did have cars though, so that was okay. Guy said it was only really worth watching if you’ve seen them all. And now that this movie has done so well, there is bound to be hundreds more, the Rock and some Jason Statham guy are even getting a spinoff. Then an argument broke out over how realistic the first Fast and Furious was.
Bubba the Redneck Werewolf
The Intern also watched a movie” Within. He said it was a good horror movie, especially if you like to laugh at bad horror movies, which he does. It was one of those ‘so bad it’s good’ kinda films. Craig also watched a so bad it’s good movie, Bubba The Redneck Werewolf. He loved it, from beginning to end. Craig’s wife even liked it. And there’s also odes to other B movies like Sharknado. The Producer even said that we can all watch it with her tonight. She liked it that much. Craig is practically erect with excitement! *EDIT* We all watched it and it was awesome. So awesome. It might be the best movie ever made for under one hundred dollars. The moral of the story is go and watch Bubba: The Redneck Werewolf now. Right now.
Craig then turns us onto Miracle Water. He saw it on a late night commercial, and you need to watch it on the youtubes. Basically though, drink the water and get free money from God two weeks later. So we decide to give them a call, well, let Guy give them a call: it was epic.