Movie Go Round

Movie Go Round

Latest Episodes

Movie-Ghoul-Round Day 2: Lake Placid
October 28, 2020

"Lakes are not scary. You can LEAVE a lake."

Movie-Ghoul-Round Day 1: Pumpkinhead
October 27, 2020

"Hey guys, come outside! We're having a party!"

111: Toy Story 4
September 24, 2020

"Dad's totally going to jail!"

110: The Hobbit (1977)
September 19, 2020

"Can you count how many armies there are?"

Movie-Go-Round Update: Marathon Incoming!
September 18, 2020

We're back and have lots in store for you all.

109: The Raid 2: Berendal
July 21, 2020

I knew this was going to be awesome. And it was.

108: Inside Llewyn Davis
July 06, 2020


107: Equilibrium
June 25, 2020

"Taye Diggs is in a very different movie."

106: Captive State
June 11, 2020

"We can't go across the water. There's no more Michigan!"

105: The Happening
May 21, 2020

"I see you eyeing my lemon drink!"