Move the District

Move the District

Ep42 | Matt Green- Co-Founder of District Running Collective | Creating a Community Around Running

March 17, 2021

What is up, everyone?  Welcome back to another edition of Move The District!  Today, we will be joined by Co-Founder of District Running Collective, Matt Green!  District Running Collective exists where fitness, fun, and community collide.  Their success is directly grounded in the successes of their runners!  They create a space for runners of all levels to get to know one another, share challenges & triumphs, and redefine their impossible, every day.

Topics Discussed:

  • Matt's views on diversity in the running community
  • How DRC got it's start
  • Matt on choosing the right running shoe
  • DRC playing their part with social justice
  • Creating and facilitating positive running experiences

Reach out to Matt:

Via Instagram: @marsgreen & @districtrunningcollective

Via website: