Move the District

Move the District

Ep41 | Danielle Hirt- Running Coach | Taking a Jump in The Middle of a Pandemic

March 10, 2021

On this week's episode of Move The District, I am glad to be joined by Coach Danielle Hirt!  Danielle is a certified personal trainer, running coach, as well as an instructor at Formula Running Center in Arlington, VA.  Danielle has 12 marathons and 25 half-marathons under her belt.  She is also a certified TRX instructor.

Topics discussed:

  • Danielle's journey through the running world
  • Growing up in a home of entrepreneurs
  • Foam rolling: is it worth it
  • If your rehab is not challenging you, it's probably not right for you
  • Finding what discipline of fitness is right for you


Reach out to Danielle:

Via Instagram: @runwithcoachd & @formularunningcenter

Via website: