Move the District

Move the District

Ep25 | Marcus Fitts- Creating the Change You Want in Your Community

November 18, 2020

On this week's edition of Move the District, I am joined by Marcus Fitts!  Marcus Fitts is a Interactive Designer, Swim & Triathlon Coach, Founder & President of District triathlon and Triathlete.

Three years ago Fitts founded the District Triathlon club, centered in the Washington D.C. area. District Tri began with five enthusiasts and today there are 80 members in a thriving enterprise bringing swimmers, cyclists and runners together. Fitts, who earned his USA Triathlon Level 1 coaching certification, has brought together experts in the various disciplines of triathlon to lead daily workouts and training programs for beginners, intermediates and advanced athletes. Fitts also organizes expeditions to many nearby and some faraway triathlons.

Topics discussed:

  • How being a multi-sport athlete led to becoming a triathlete
  • Marcus's experience coaching high school swimming
  • How District Triathlon takes one from couch to 5K, triathlon, and everything in between
  • Marcus's mission to continue amplifying voices that are not heard

Check out what Marcus has been up to:

Via Instagram: @coach_fitts & @grit.usa

Triathlete website article:

Grit USA:
