Move the District

Move the District

Ep1 | Welcome To Move The District

June 08, 2020

Welcome, everyone!  This is Move the District Podcast and I am super excited to have you listening!  My name is Mike Yasson and I am owner of Big League Performance and Rehab located here in southwest Washington, D.C.


The goal of this podcast is to really help people get a better understanding of the offerings that are available in the health & fitness community here in D.C. and the surrounding areas.


This podcast is for people who are active, pain-free, healthy, and are looking to do these things for a long time with their family and friends.  If you see your body as investment, then you are in the right place!


I appreciate you taking the time to listen today and I can’t wait for you to hear the great interviews with local professionals we will be providing!  Please leave us a 5-star review on iTunes, and we will catch you next time!


Reach out to me:


Via website:


Via Instagram: @bigleagueperformandrehab