Mountain Park Church Podcast

Mountain Park Church Podcast


October 19, 2023
Vision 2030—PT 1: On Earth As It Is In Heaven Through You

What is the will or heart of God on the earth? It is found in the great prayer of all prayers, “your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” The will of God is invade the earth with his tangible presence and kingdom. That prayer is not only good theology, we are called to live it the way Jesus himself lived it.

In this first part of our Vision 2030 series we are taking a 30,000 foot view of God’s vision for our lives and our church, the invasion of his kingdom on earth as it is in heaven; through you. We are calling ourselves out of small thinking and a spirit of limitation. We are calling ourselves to repent for living dependent on our own strength and capacity. We are calling ourselves to become a living cathedral of the Father’s tangible kingdom on the earth as it is in heaven.
